Actually, the most important thing is my feeling to him. It's getting rise up like roses...full in heart, cheering up my days. Since the day I got dream that he's got a scandal with young girl...can't accept it, luckily it juz a dream...I woke up with regret and love in heart...hug him as tight as I can, ignorance my baby which is my priority before. He shud shocked with it, but pretend like nothing happened. Since that, I realized my love now aroses juz like before. I love U, dear so much, till the end of time.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
The Happiest Birthday Celebration I Ever Had
Shud be on 4th November, but my hubby eager to celebr8 it on 3rd. He's the one whom preparing the milk, diapers and clothes for our baby since we plan to go straight to MidValley (as usual) after pick up my baby. As he promised, we're celebr8 it at Kenny Rogers...thank god coz I'm prefer Kenny than Nando's.
Actually, the most important thing is my feeling to him. It's getting rise up like roses...full in heart, cheering up my days. Since the day I got dream that he's got a scandal with young girl...can't accept it, luckily it juz a dream...I woke up with regret and love in heart...hug him as tight as I can, ignorance my baby which is my priority before. He shud shocked with it, but pretend like nothing happened. Since that, I realized my love now aroses juz like before. I love U, dear so much, till the end of time.
Actually, the most important thing is my feeling to him. It's getting rise up like roses...full in heart, cheering up my days. Since the day I got dream that he's got a scandal with young girl...can't accept it, luckily it juz a dream...I woke up with regret and love in heart...hug him as tight as I can, ignorance my baby which is my priority before. He shud shocked with it, but pretend like nothing happened. Since that, I realized my love now aroses juz like before. I love U, dear so much, till the end of time.
10 Orang Membebel Kat Saya Di sini:
selamat ulangtahun, eh bila tu? kek? haha...
Arini, 4 Nov...xde kek, order air pn dh berkrim betul, pastu tgk makanan lain dh x lalu.
slmt ulang thn:)
Terima kasih atie @ ejay...
happy birthday to u and to me too....hihihi i pon penah mimpi mcm tu..takut woo..
p/s: i pon prefer kenny dr nandos..x suka nandos punya sos..
TQVM qellissa...x sangka sharing the same date, kn?...doa2 minta dijauhkan....I pn x suka sos dia...peri2...mmg x terperi la.
tulah x sangka kita share same next year,igt birthday i confirm igt birthday u sekali..hahaha..memang x terperi sos itu..sedap pulak ayat tak terperi kena ngan sos nandos tu..
InsyaAllah, panjang umur dapatlah sambut birthday sama2 kt MidValley tgk org dlm Nandos lg ramai dri Kenny...ramai suka sos yg x terperi tu, kita je x suka kot...hehehe
SELAMAT HARI LAHIR......sori lambat wish......SEMOGA ALLAH permudah sgala urusan yaa....
Trima kasih Nida...dan nk ucap terima kasih juga untuk kad ucapan yg dipos tu...comel, suka sgt, Iman lg la teruja tgk gmbr Bear.
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